Wednesday, September 8, 2010

Fall Racing Events

As the regular season of racing is nearing an end, we would like to explore several ideas for some fun and entertaining events for the remainder of the year. One might be a Hornet and Stinger Enduro race with a sizable purse for each class. Maybe highlight some of the best NW Drifting drivers, with promotions and advertising to create a better awareness of the sport.  Year-end derbies and special feature races with mega payouts?

Please give us your thoughts about attending or participating in late season racing.  Our goal is analyze logistic, manpower and equipment needs as we move toward the 2011 season opener. 

Steve, Traci and I very much appreciate the dozens of drivers, teams and fans who have emailed us with ideas and suggestions for facility, fan, driver, class and rule enhancements. There are NO bad ideas in brainstorming!
We will never be able to utilize every idea, but he assured, we will read and listen to any suggestions to create the best Speedway in the West.  This facility belongs to each and every one of us.